Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Teams machine wide installer not running - teams machine wide installer not running. Trigger Teams Installer for User After Machine Wide Installer

Teams machine wide installer not running - teams machine wide installer not running. Trigger Teams Installer for User After Machine Wide Installer

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Windows 10 Feature Upgrades Break Teams Machine-Wide Installer - Microsoft Q&A - How to Know If You Owns a Teams Machine Wide Installer 



Teams machine wide installer not running - teams machine wide installer not running

  1. On your search bar, type command prompt and select "run as administrator" 2. On the command prompt window, type "C:\Program Files (x86)\Teams Installer\" /s 3. Check if MS Teams gets installed I hope this helps. Good luck! Report abuse Was . Mar 03,  · The Microsoft Teams machine wide installer can be run on any system that you have admin access to however, you sould not install it unless it is on a system configured to run with an active directory. There simply is no need for it and it may cause problems down the line e.g., why Microsoft Teams keeps installing itself after you remove it. Feb 04,  · You can browse to the Apps & features section of Settings (or Programs and Features in Control Panel) to uninstall the Microsoft Teams machine-wide installer. Click Start -> Settings -> Apps ->.  

5 Best Ways To Set Up Microsoft Teams Machine Wide Installer


Did the users complain? Did project management complain? By default, every user will have Teams installed in their own user profile the next time they log in once the machine-wide installer is in place. This is pretty well noted by various people on the internet and Microsoft makes a note of it in their docs here.

Existing user profiles will receive Teams on their next login as well. Microsoft is leveraging a Run Key in order to execute a command line every time a user logs in. This key can be seen below. The command found in the registry has a -checkInstall parameter. If you run this binary without the -checkInstall parameter you can see it will perform a Teams installation every time, instead of only when not found. Alright alright, this is boring.

How do we improve the user experience where Microsoft has failed? I'll be back to work on Tuesday, so will be doing more testing before writing up a script to redeploy. It's still unclear if running Teams. If it does, we can just add an extra line into the script after the files are copied to simply launch Teams. Here's a PS1 I've just whipped up, still needs some more testing on site, but so far it seems to be what I want. I've modified the script that we initially used to push Teams, so it'll also do the install on a new client along with an update if required:.

BrianGe what you have posted is exactly what I've been experiencing. Is this PS1 working for you? It seems that after the new version is copied, you have to run the Teams.

This is a batch file I run on the computers with a lower version but is also based on the Uninstall string of the installer. Sorry, can you explain what you are doing here? I have Nessus complaining about teams. Are you copying the latest teams. Have SCCM also. BenjaminJohn I grab the latest Machine Wide installer v1. REM Forces the machine wide installer to re-install from the updated cache msiexec.

The machine wide installer has been updated to 1. Hope this helps, so far I have had no problems with this procedure, I will have to circle back and fix the other versions that have different GUID's, but that might be difficult as I'm thinking I would have to uninstall it - which would then uninstall Teams for the user as well.

I was wondering the same as BenjaminJohn :. So you create a package with the latest TMWI - okay. I can create a package with the new TMWI but not sure how the batch file you have here executes it? I see much of the logic of this batch file just not sure how it all comes together in a package. The solution for me at least was to update my O deployment repository.

Only my new deployments on 20H2 were having unwanted teams update appear and all manner of messing with the teams machine wide installer just went down a deep rabbit hole. The only other tweak I had to make was to add a reg hack to stop the AAD nag to the user.

Given teams is now included within O and the teams machine wide installer appears to be unsupported on later Win10 builds, I think this is probably your best way out. PaulSanders Could you please elaborate on how exactly you did this?

How are you managing files in your Teams? Skip to main content. Find threads, tags, and users Hi, We are installing Teams with a machine-wide installer. I found by uninstalling Teams on each user profile then Teams is updating correctly. Current Visibility: Visible to all users. Deploy it. Franois , Updating Teams client with machine-wide installer is not supported now.

The MSI file is mainly used to broad deployment of Teams client. Hi, "One is to update itself automatically" How doing it? Franois , Do you log in Teams daily? Comment Show 0. I also tried the same thing as you - installing the latest version of the machine wide installer, and of course it failed with the message you got The other day a new user signed in got the update message, so we let it download from the web, it installed, Teams launched but did not connect to their work account.

Anyone else??? BatemanVern Sorry, can you explain what you are doing here? No I dont copy it, I let the msiexec force it into the cache directory msiexec. Related Questions.


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